Tag Archives: Unity3D

Updating the Unity Splashscreen

Looks like they didnt expose the splashscreen property, which is a pain… I have a script that allows me to switch between a Paid version and Free version of an App inside Unity.  Makes developing the App a lot simpler… just flip a toggle and presto, new icon, no ads and no ‘remove ad’ button!

I wanted to swap the splashscreen between the paid and free versions with this toggle, but the fine folks at Unity didn’t think of that, so after some searching, I ended up copying the correct screen over a generic splashscreen, but I had to use File.Copy as AssetDatabase.CopyAsset would reset the splashscreen in the build settings, which defeated the purpose!  I call to Refresh() when the copy was done updated the build setting and asset database.

	string srcPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(splashScreen);
	Debug.Log("srcPath: " + srcPath);
	string dstPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(srcPath);
	dstPath+="/splashScreen" + Path.GetExtension(srcPath);
	Debug.Log("Duplicating " + srcPath + " into " + dstPath);
	//AssetDatabase.CopyAsset(srcPath,dstPath); // doesnt work correctly

Hope that helps someone else till they fix it.

Unity3D Application.persistentDataPath is null on Android

I’ve no idea why this is happening all of a sudden, but the static property Application.persistentDataPath is returning a zero length string and not the path to the storage folder on my Android devices.  From googling, I can see I’m not the only one with this problem.  It’s happening whether I build directly from Unity, or download it from the beta tab on Google Play.

I added the following method to my Android plugin JAR so at least I could move on and not get stuck:

    public static String PBgetFilePath(final Activity activity)
        File path = activity.getApplicationContext().getFilesDir();
        Log.i(LOGTAG,"Internal FilesDir: " + path.getPath());
        return path.getPath();

This returns the correct string and when I use it, I can read and write files as expected.  If persistentDataPath returns a null or a zero length string, then I call my java code and use the result.

64 bit iOS required

As of today, all apps submitted to the App store, including updates need to support 64bit.  Got a bit of a shock when I tried submitting my build of Candy Bubble Drop and saw this error screen!

Screen Shot 2015-06-01 at 3.46.54 PM

Luckily, the folks at Unity were prepared (more than I was) and I was able to enable 64 bit support from within the Player Settings and everything worked beautifully!